FEMA Concentration Camps

Yes, in our own country! FEMA has been setting up concentration camps all around America for years, and as of right now, are completely ready for use.

The Government would like us to think that these camps were created for illegals that would come into this country. It would be a holding cell for them until they can figure out a way to get them back to their own country. However, facts as well as footage have proven otherwise. These camps are for us!

Want to know where they are? Google has a map of all ready-to-use camps that are fully built and operational.

See Google map of camps

This is scary times people! Start investigating these alligations for yourself. Your about to be horrified!

The New FEMA...What Can They Do?

It has been said that the New FEMA has become its own "secret government." This agency has the power to now suspend laws, move entire populations, it can arrest and detain citizens without a warrent and can hold them without a trial, it can seize property, food supplies, and transportation systems.

If that wasn't scary enough, it can even suspend the Constitution of the United States!

There were some Executive Orders (EO) that were used to create FEMA. They took absolutely no care in the fact if the EO's were within our Constitutional Guidelines. These laws were created in a Federal Registry. This by-passes congress.

Below, I have listed some of the executive orders to date. Beware, these will shock you! Our own Government have already initialized these orders! They are current!




 List Of Executive Orders



This allows the government to take control over all modes of transportation, highways, and seaports. 


Allows the government to seize and control the communication media. 



Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals. 


Allows the government to take over all food resources and farms. 




Allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades (Concentration camps) under government supervision. 


Allows the government to take over all health, education, and welfare functions. 




Designates the Postmaster General to operate National Registration of all persons.


Allows the Government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft. 




Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and established new locations for populations.


Allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities. 




Specifies the responsibility Of The Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic, or financial crisis. 


Grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President. 





Assigns Emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive orders issued over a 15 year period. 


 Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and flow of money in the U.S.A. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

 The orders above are a scary and realistic overature of whats to come in a short amount of time. President Obama is already in G-20 summit meetings trying to get China and other countries on board for global New World Order propaganda, and finances.

What does that mean for us?

New money. It's called the Amero Dollar, and all countries will be required to use it, for global financial equalization. Again, we live in scary times. I sincerely hope we can even get through this. I hope even more that the American people can stand up against our own Government if need be to send the message that we ARE a democratic society, and we as the people want to keep it that way.

Here's a picture of what it looks like below.

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