And I was only worried about the H1N1 Virus! I was DEAD wrong!

October 15, 2009
I made a serious mistake apparently. I just assumed that the regular Flu Virus Vaccinations were ok. I couldn't have been more wrong. In the H1N1 Vaccination Ingredients section of Wake Up America Now, There is a MUST SEE video about a lady from Virginia who was healthy and full of life, and had no prior illnesses, decided to take her yearly Flu Shot. What followed 10 days later changed her life forever.

She contracted a rare neurological disease called Dystonia. What is it, and how did she get it? Well, according to an excerpt from

What causes dystonia?

Most cases of dystonia do not have a specific cause. Dystonia seems to be related to a problem in the basal ganglia. That's the area of the brain that is responsible for initiating muscle contractions. The problem involves the way the nerve cells communicate.

Acquired dystonia is caused by damage to the basal ganglia. The damage could be the result of:

  • brain trauma
  • stroke
  • tumor
  • oxygen deprivation
  • infection
  • drug reactions
  • poisoning caused by lead or carbon monoxide

People, this is sick. I know in the news broadcast the news tries to to lower the impact of this story by telling you that these types of complications are rare. But I truly feel, that this is just the tip of the iceburg. We're about to see more and more healthy and vital people become weak, sickly, and disfunctional. All because of these vaccinations.

We need to take a stand NOW and NOT take the vaccine, sending a strong message that we will NOT accept partially tested, and recklessly given drugs to us, that are suppost to help us, bust is actually, and is proven to at the very least make us extremely sick. How reckless!

According to the video cast, her doctors haveconcluded that she got this horrible disease from a reaction to the vaccine. But more importantly, after taking the vaccine, she had contracted the "Flu". It was only a matter of a few days later, she started noticing other issues, and went to her doctor. In total, it was 10 days from the date of the vaccine she started having problems.

The woman and her husband contacted the FDA, and notified them of her problems, to make aware to them the reaction. They tested the specific batch she took at a local grocery store pharmacy. Nothing came up that would alert them to any problems that should have risen. In all, they basically told her it's not from THEIR vaccine.



Don't Take The H1N1 Vaccine! It Can KILL Us!

October 11, 2009
I have been doing alot of research on this vaccine. Quite frankly, the more I learn, the more I'm convinced that this is truly a chapter in our nations agenda. I have made it a personal mission to inform everybody that I can, to NOT take this vaccine.  I have never been more frightened as I am right now.

To put it bluntly, this vaccine (H1N1 Vaccine), has NEVER been tested on pregnant woman or children under the age of 4 years old. Yet, they continue to push us into thinking that we NEED to ta...

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Are You Willing To Kill Your Child Because The Government Insists That You Vaccinate Them?

October 3, 2009
I am a single mother of two boys 11 and 15 years old. I love them with every fiber of my being, and quite frankly I'll be damned if MY Government is going to tell me that I HAVE to vaccinate my children with a very little tested and TOXIC cocktail that they came up with, to assumably get rid of the H1N1 Virus.

This new vaccine that our government is issuing to our children is a toxic cocktail of elements that have proven to be death warrents for anyone that takes them.

Ingredients known so far...

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